It can be pretty intimidating to take your regular black hair, put it up in box braids, and then dye it purple no less! Well rest assured because we are here to walk you through every step of the way. With our know how you will be feeling like a salon professional when we are done.
The first part you want to focus on is getting an accurate color from the dye that you've got. When you go to put it in your hair, there can be some color variations when it reacts with your natural color that may be a little different than what you expected.
This is all very normal and isn't the end of the world if the color is a bit off. The thing about purple box braids is that they are so wonderful when they are complete that it is really the only option.

The beauty of box braids is that the tight weave patterns you create are meant to hold your hair in place and make caring for it a lot easier. Think of how much smoother your mornings would run if you didn't have to put time aside to work on your hair? It is a good idea to braid sometimes as it trims a lot of this for you.
When you have some good ideas about the exact color and style you want, then it is time to take these plans to the local barber shop so he or she can set it up for you. You can attempt to do it all at home but be warned that sometimes it doesn't come out completely right especially for beginners.
If you have the time however, I would recommend for learning this skill because it is handy to have if you're going to be dying your hair often. You won't have to shell out a ton of money for hairstyling and you can get the exact look you want every time.
Click here for more info on how to braid hair.